Right now I'm in the preparing stages for my personal challenge.
While I'm not an official Eat Local Challenge author, I'm hoping to do similar things with some of my posts in the future.
Some of you may be wondering what the heck I'm talking about, so here's a breakdown.
What's the challenge?
Starting in April, I'm planning to eat at least one meal a week that is made from completely local ingredients.
All of my meals will contain at least one thing that is from a local source.
Most of my produce will come from local farms and farmer's markets, and most of my groceries will be provided
by local companies.
I plan on continuing in this manner for a full year.
What do you mean by 'local'?
I'm going to try my damndest to get things from sources within 100 miles of where I live.. If not 100 miles, then 250 at the outside.
When I'm in another town, I'll seek out local food sources there.
Why in the world would you do that to yourself?
I don't see it as doing something to myself, but rather giving something to myself and to my community.
Sure, there are some things I will have to do without (my current panic button is the banana), but I have a feeling I'll be discovering many more new things. I'll get to meet local farmers, eat fresher foods, support the local economy, and participate more in the process of foods coming from farm to table.
Come to think of it, there are some things I'll be happy to do without: Hormones, preservatives, and GMOs!
I found a "Locavore's Pledge" on one of the ELC blogs, and thought I'd share it here:
If not LOCALLY PRODUCED, then Organic.
If not ORGANIC, then Family farm.
If not FAMILY FARM, then Local business.
If not a LOCAL BUSINESS, then Fair Trade.